
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

No theft at home

Ubqari Magazine - January 2013

No theft at home:

Every night before going to sleep my father recites one ruku of SuraBanay Israel. It was 8thruku. He said who so ever will do so his home will never be robbed. And really it happened, his home was never robbed.

Marvels of YA WAJIDO:(یَاوَاجِدُ)

In my childhood my father told me that who so ever will read this name of ALLAH یَاوَاجِدُ YA WAJIDO he will never get ill. While eating anything read this continuously INASHA ALLAH you will never fall ill.

Prayer of birds led to fertility:

One of my relative who is a professor of Islamiat, he did not have any children. He bought one cage of birds from bird seller and prayed from ALLAH, ALLAH this is your creature and am letting them free just for your sake, if this is acceptable to you then please grant me with a child. He then asked the birds to please pray for me that may He grant me my wish. ALLAH gave me children, one son and one daughter. Now they are studying.

Secret of excessive subsistence (rozy) revealed:

YousafFalodaWala is very famous in Lahore. One day Mr.SayedAlamdarHussain Shah asked him what is the secret of your earnings? He said daily I feed fishes and insects on bank of Ravi, he said I feed them and Allah feeds me.

Delivery of child without operation and pain:

My father blew on jiggery (gur) and gave it to the expected lady; child was delivered without operation and pain.

 He blew by reciting, at beginning and end DarudShareef; in center he recitesSuraYaseen from start till first Mubeen. Start again from beginning and recite till second Mubeen, similarly till fifth Mubeen. For this people visited a lot.After his death people started coming to my elder brother, he didn’t learn SuraYaseen but while sitting alone he used to say this to ALLAH that these people come with expectations” I am garbage”. He used to blow this and people got benefit. He used to say that I know nothing, there is story of Hazrat Sheikh SaddiRehmatUllahAleh, he was in journey. At night he needed food for his donkey;he crossed a place where a woman was suffering from labor pain, people saw that a saint is passing by let’s ask him to pray, they brought him with them and ask him to stay and asked to blow on that woman. He cried and said to ALLAH, “Me & my donkey’s food is done please now don’t embarrass me in front them” this was in Persian language.

In our area there is man who writes a sentence of Persian as amulet to wear, its meaning is, “O ALLAH my donkeys and my arrangement is done; their matter is now up to you”. He ties it on the thigh of lady and lady gives birth to child easily. He was our neighbor in village; was a postman but was very religious. He used to sit in mosque and said O ALLAH will you show me your home? I don’t have any money, and have no resources, after saying this he started crying. Once there was lottery from department for Hajj, only one man could win. And he won. He saw ALLAH’s home in his life. Sincere intentions make resource, where as if intentions are not sincere even rich can’t reach. Nowadays he is retired, even today whenever he writes amulet for someone he gets benefit from it.

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